vwpolo-info.de seaching Polo 86c pictures for homepage

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vwpolo-info.de seaching Polo 86c pictures for homepage

Messagede GTfan67 le 22 Oct 12 19:31

I'm the Admin of http://www.vwpolo-info.de and search images of original french special Polo 86c models.
The pictures must be yours, so there is no copyright infringement.
The vehicles will be from 1981-1994.
Images from the outside, inside and back are welcome.
I have. Quite a few but the quality is not very good. I hope for your help to get better.

Images you can send to vwpolo-info@t-online.de.

I hope for your support. Finally, we share a hobby. The Polo. :mrgreen: :coucou:

to the admins
if this thread is not allowed you can delete it. But it would be very nice if you'd let him.
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Polo driver
Messages: 61
Inscription: 06 Déc 09 23:53
Localisation: Germany

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