1987' Oeko-Polo D.i.-G40

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1987' Oeko-Polo D.i.-G40

Messagede Mail Man G40 le 02 Aoû 10 18:25

I'm Sebastian from Germany and this is my Oeko-Polo. 52 cars have been built by VW / IAV for r&d purpose. The engine is a 2-Cyl. watercooled D.i.-Diesel with a G40 supercharger (with automatically activated magnetic clutch). Max. performance is 40 HP with Vmax up to 139 km/h :vroum:






More information (in german) here:


And here is a video taken by Nanaki and his crazy friends :ahahah: while Techno Classica oldtimer fair in Essen, Germany, this year: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcynq0_eco-polo-tournante_auto

Greetings to anybody in this forum!

Best regards

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Mail Man G40
Messages: 19
Inscription: 25 Jan 10 15:11
Localisation: Germany, Mülheim an der Ruhr

Messagede Nico-J le 02 Aoû 10 18:30

Nice to see it again! :love: I'm one of the crazy friends! :ahahah:
Mk3 G40 '92 x3 & '93 & '93 Genesis * Mk3 GT 3F '91 * Mk3 Style '94 * Mk3 Bel Air Turbo '91 * Mk3 GT Treser '93 * Mk2 Classic '85 * Mk2 Race '84 * Mk2 Coach Race '88 * Mk2 G40 '89 * Mk2 GT '84 x2 * Mk2 Transfer '89 * Mk1 GT '80 *
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Re: 1987' Oeko-Polo D.i.-G40

Messagede Nanaki le 02 Aoû 10 18:31

Mail Man G40 a écrit:And here is a video taken by Nanaki and his crazy friends :ahahah:



So.. Change with my Mk3 Diesel? :ahahah:
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Re: 1987' Oeko-Polo D.i.-G40

Messagede Mail Man G40 le 02 Aoû 10 18:34

Nanaki a écrit:So.. Change with my Mk3 Diesel? :ahahah:

Hmm... still searching for a kind way to say "NO! NEVER!"... :ange: (have one already....)
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Mail Man G40
Messages: 19
Inscription: 25 Jan 10 15:11
Localisation: Germany, Mülheim an der Ruhr

Re: 1987' Oeko-Polo D.i.-G40

Messagede Nanaki le 02 Aoû 10 18:38

Mail Man G40 a écrit:(have one already....)

Two is better!

And.. For you.. I can make an affort and take the Eco-polo! :ahahah:
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Obsédé du mazout !
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Messagede JSR le 06 Aoû 10 07:32

Kannte dieses modell überhapt nicht. :non:
Sieht sehr interessant aus diese technik. :cool:
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Messagede lozoic le 06 Aoû 10 07:42

She's wonderfull, a nice artwork :love: :love: :love:
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Messagede Arsene le 06 Aoû 10 10:37

Amazing ! :D
Polo Classic '85 - Défunte

    Moi je suis sûr qu'avec deux bières ça irait mieux !

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Messagede danathane le 06 Aoû 10 10:37

Nice!! hope we will see it in real one day :D
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Messagede Mail Man G40 le 20 Aoû 10 11:08

lozoic a écrit:She's wonderfull, a nice artwork :love: :love: :love:

Thinking about updating SELECTA? :ange:

Pic of the "twins":

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Mail Man G40
Messages: 19
Inscription: 25 Jan 10 15:11
Localisation: Germany, Mülheim an der Ruhr

Messagede lozoic le 20 Aoû 10 12:51

Very good idea :yes: :lol:
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Messagede Ian_C le 25 Aoû 10 23:53

Love it. Love the 'color' line on the sides!

What is 'r&d' btw?

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Messagede pierru9 le 26 Aoû 10 08:49

Magnificent Polo!
What kind of mileage do you get with the car (liters/100kms)?
There is a story on the web about an American who bought an eco -Polo on eBay, without the motor.
He put in a petrol motor in it.

Research and Development! :roll:
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Messagede Arsene le 26 Aoû 10 10:46

Do you know what is the maximum torque of the engine ? :D
Polo Classic '85 - Défunte

    Moi je suis sûr qu'avec deux bières ça irait mieux !

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L'enconcombreur !
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Inscription: 15 Juin 08 17:02
Localisation: L'Arsènipauté, Belgique

Messagede Mail Man G40 le 30 Aoû 10 19:47

Hello, the torque is 77 NM / 2500 rpm.

I know Ross and his story. But it will stay a miracle why the car got to the USA with this low mileage.
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Mail Man G40
Messages: 19
Inscription: 25 Jan 10 15:11
Localisation: Germany, Mülheim an der Ruhr


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